- Исполнитель: Rhapsody Of Fire (Rhapsody)
- Перевод песни
- Песня: The Wind, the Rain And the Moon
Your shining eyes
I saw them cry
That's what heroes live for
Love embrace the pain
Fate unpredictable
A shadow between me and you
I'll be the wind to caress your skin
I'll be the rain to enclose your tears
I'll be the moon to enlight your darkest night
So you won't be alone
Streams slowly flowing
Tears on your cheeks
I'll come back, I promise
This night, my love, I'm yours
Your tiny hands in mine
They talk much more than words can say
I'll be the wind to caress your skin
I'll be the rain to enclose your tears
I'll be the moon to enlight your darkest night
So you won't be alone, no more
I'll be back before the snowfall
My fate cries out
I'll win this war for you
I'll be the wind to caress your skin
I'll be the rain to enclose your tears
I'll be the moon to enlight your darkest night
So you won't be alone, no more
I'll be back before the snowfall
My fate cries out
I'll win this war for you
Перевод песни:
Ветер, дождь и луна
Я видел, как твои сияющие глаза
Наполнились слезами.
Вот ради чего живут герои;
Любовь покрывает собой боль.
Судьба непредсказуема,
Между нами легла тень.
Я буду ветром, что станет ласкать твою кожу,.....
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